
Hollow Earth - According to the Macuxi Indians of the Amazon

The last few months it seems I keep stumbling upon things about the hollow Earth theory, and how there is a whole other civilization inside of the Earth. This place is often referred to as Shamballa, or Shangri-la with the dwellers there being called the Agartha. Some or all I have heard, are of extraterrestrial origin. With all the hollow Earth news popping up lately, is it somehow becoming more relevant? Was there a lot of disclosure happening about it lately? Even the Iron Sky sequel is getting into it!

Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. Art also does imitate life. Is science fiction really fiction? What if Shamballa is real? I find it interesting as hell. It seems like it makes sense to call it cockamamie nonsense, and for scientists and officials to poo-poo it because if it were true, I would want the people and creatures living there to not have to deal with us nosy humans bothering them, capturing them, testing them, and stomping all over their very amazing eco-system. That seems like something we would do, no? As a secret, people can interact with the civilizations and study the inner world in peace.

There are different stories from various cultures that speak about the inner earth. With so many different peoples telling similar stories, could this really be fantasy?

The Macuxi Indians are indigenous people who live in the Amazon, in countries such as Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela. According to their legends, they are the descendants of the Sun’s children, the creator of Fire and disease and the protectors of the inner earth.

Their oral legends speak of an entrance into Earth. Until the year 1907, the Macuxies would enter some sort of cavern, and travel from 13 to 15 days until they reached the interior. It is there, “at the other side of the world, in the inner Earth” is where the Giants live, creatures that have around 3-4 meters in height.

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